My academic research centers on issues of craft, gender, materiality, and globalization. Below you will find my cv in addition to published articles, essays, catalogue entries, and reviews. I welcome your feedback and hope this scholarship will help you to critically engage our visual and material world.
Curriculum Vitae
Selected Publications
Fashion Theory: The Journal of Dress, Body, and Culture (2023)
“Afterword: Spinning Material Messages,” in Crafting Democracy: Fiber Arts and Activism, exhibition catalogue edited by Juilee Decker and Hinda Mandell (Rochester: University of Rochester Press, 2019).
Manifesto co-Authored with the Feminist Art and Architecture Collaborative (FAAC), Harvard Design Magazine no. 46 / No Sweat, Fall/Winter 2018.
Inaugural issue of the American Craft Council's journal, American Craft Inquiry 1, no. 1 (April 2016): 117-118.
“Review of Hippie Modernism: the Struggle for Utopia, edited by Andrew Blauvelt.” Panorama: Journal of the Association of Historians of American Art 2 no. 1 (Summer, 2016).
Design and Culture, The Journal of the Design Studies Forum (Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group: Vol. 8, Issue 1, March 2016): 79-99.
“Artist Entries.” All 34 catalogue entries in Fiber: Sculpture 1960-Present, edited by Jenelle Porter. Exh. cat. New York: DelMonico Books/Prestel, September 2014, 180-247.
“Tracey Emin,” “Lalla Essaydi,” “Teresita Fernández,” “William E. Jones,” “Deborah Kass,” “Joseph Kosuth,” “Yoshitoma Nara,” and “Hadieh Shafie.” Catalogue entries in Art for Rollins: The Alfond Collection of Contemporary Art at Rollins College, edited by Abigail Ross Goodman. Exh. cat. Winter Park, FL: Rollins College, 2013, 34-41, 54-7, 64-5, 92-3, and 110-11.
“Meshac Gaba,” “Imi Knoebel,” “Sarah Morris,” “Pae White,” and “Jack Whitten.” Catalogue entries in Art for Rollins: The Alfond Collection of Contemporary Art at Rollins College, Volume II, edited by Abigail Ross Goodman. Exh. cat. Winter Park, FL: Rollins College, 2015.
Exhibition catalogue review of “Marie Cuttoli: The Modern Thread from Miro to Man Ray” in The Burlington Magazine (December 2020): 1098-1101.